5 Variations of Reverse Pushups that will blow your mind

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reverse pushups

Reverse pushups, also known as back pushups or bodyweight rows, are a dynamic bodyweight exercise that targets various muscle groups while primarily focusing on the back muscles. This article delves into five reverse pushup variations, guiding you through their execution and benefits.

What are reverse pushups?

Reverse pushups involve pulling your body weight towards a stationary bar or bench, engaging your back muscles to lift yourself. They are versatile exercises suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, offering numerous variations to cater to different preferences and abilities.

How to do reverse pushups?

Mastering the art of reverse pushups begins with securing a sturdy horizontal bar or ledge capable of supporting your body weight. Standing poised before the bar, ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart before extending your arms to grasp the bar firmly. Palms facing away from you and positioned slightly wider than shoulder width initiate the movement by engaging your core for stability. With deliberate intent, draw your chest towards the bar, employing your back muscles to drive the motion while maintaining control.

Feel the strength coursing through your body as you squeeze your shoulder blades together, achieving the pinnacle of each lift with grace. Upon reaching the movement’s zenith, pause briefly before descending with controlled precision, relishing the challenge with each controlled descent. Embrace the gradual progression of repetitions, adjusting the difficulty as your strength and skill burgeon, and revel in the mastery of this empowering exercise.

Muscles Activated in Reverse Pushups

Reverse pushups are primarily focused on engaging the muscles in your back, with specific emphasis on the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius. These muscles work together to pull your body towards the bar or platform during the exercise, promoting strength and stability in your back. However, reverse pushups also recruit other muscle groups to support and stabilize your body throughout the movement. The biceps and forearms play a secondary role in assisting with the pulling motion, providing additional strength and power.

Meanwhile, your core muscles are activated to maintain proper alignment and stability, preventing any excessive swinging or arching of the back. By engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously, reverse pushups offer a comprehensive upper-body workout that targets major muscle groups and smaller stabilizing muscles, promoting overall strength and muscular endurance. Incorporate reverse pushups into your fitness routine to effectively target your back muscles while engaging a range of other muscle groups for a full-body workout experience.

Benefits of Reverse Pushups

Strengthens Back Muscles:

Reverse pushups effectively target the muscles in your back, promoting strength and stability.

Improves Posture:

Racing pushups can help alleviate back pain and improve the overall posture by strengthening the muscles responsible for maintaining good posture.

Enhances Upper Body Strength:

Reverse pushups increase upper body strength and endurance by engaging multiple muscle groups.

Requires Minimal Equipment:

Reverse pushups can be performed using minimal equipment, making them accessible for individuals of all fitness levels.

5 Variations of Reverse Pushups

1. The Basic Reverse Pushup

Begin by positioning yourself under a sturdy horizontal bar, such as a pull-up bar or a sturdy table edge. Grip the bar with your palms facing you and extend your arms fully. Keep your body straight, engage your core, and pull your chest towards the bar while keeping your elbows close to your body. Lower yourself back down with control.

2. Backward facing Reverse Pushup

This variation involves lying on your back underneath a low bar or table. Grip the bar with your palms facing away from you and your body positioned at an angle. Lift your chest towards the bar, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lower yourself back down with control.

3. Full-body Reverse Pushup

The full-body reverse pushup is a dynamic variation that amplifies the challenge of the traditional reverse pushup by engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Start by positioning yourself beneath a sturdy horizontal bar or ledge to perform this exercise, ensuring your feet are securely planted on the ground. Grip the bar with your palms facing away from you and your arms fully extended. As you initiate the movement, pull your chest towards the bar while lifting your lower body off the ground, forming a straight line from your head to your heels.

Activate your core to uphold stability throughout the entirety of the exercise. Pause briefly at the top of the movement before slowly lowering yourself back down with control, allowing your body to return to the starting position. Focus on maintaining proper form and control throughout the exercise to maximize effectiveness. Incorporating the full-body reverse pushup into your workout routine can help enhance overall strength, stability, and muscular endurance.

4. Reverse Hands Pushup

In this variation of the reverse pushup, you alter your hand position by placing your palms facing toward you instead of away from you. This adjustment shifts the focus to different angles of your back muscles, providing a more comprehensive and well-rounded workout. By reversing your hand position, you engage the muscles in your back from a different angle, challenging them in new ways and promoting balanced muscle development. This variation adds versatility to your exercise routine, allowing you to target specific areas of your back precisely. Incorporate this modification into your workout regimen to effectively strengthen and tone your back muscles from various perspectives.

5. The Inverted Row Reverse Pushup

To execute this variation of the reverse pushup, you’ll need a suspension trainer or a bar positioned at waist height. Begin by hanging underneath the bar with your arms fully extended and your palms facing you. Ensure your body is straight from head to heels, engaging your core for stability. Pull your chest towards the bar from this position by bending your elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Maintain control throughout the movement, focusing on using your back muscles to drive the motion. Once your chest reaches the bar, pause briefly before lowering yourself back down with controlled movement. Maintain a slow and controlled descent to fully engage your muscles and maximize the effectiveness of the exercise. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, adjusting the difficulty to suit your fitness level. Incorporating this variation into your workout routine will help strengthen and tone your back muscles while improving overall upper body strength and stability.

The Best Reverse Pushup Modifications

Adjustable Bar Height:

Vary the height of the bar or platform to modify the intensity of the exercise.

Resistance Bands:

Incorporate resistance bands to increase the difficulty of the exercise and target different muscle groups.

Single arm Variations:

Perform reverse pushups using a single arm to challenge your balance and stability.

Common Reverse Pushup Mistakes

Arching the Back:

Avoid arching your back excessively during the movement, as this can strain your lower back.

Using Momentum:

Ensure steady control during the exercise, refraining from utilizing momentum to swing your body.

Neglecting Full Range of Motion:

Aim to lower your body and extend your arms at the bottom of each repetition.

Safety Tips

  • Warmup:
Always warm up before performing reverse pushups to prevent injury and prepare your muscles for the exercise.
  • Proper Form:
Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the movement to avoid strain and maximize effectiveness.
  • Gradual Progression:
Start with easier variations and gradually progress to more challenging ones as your strength improves.


Reverse pushups are a versatile and effective exercise for strengthening the back muscles and improving overall upper body strength. By incorporating various variations and modifications, you can tailor reverse pushups to your fitness level and goals while minimizing the risk of injury.


What does a reverse push up work?

Reverse pushups primarily target the muscles in the back, including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius.

What are the benefits of reverse Hindu pushups?

Reverse Hindu pushups offer similar benefits to traditional reverse pushups, including improved back strength, posture, and upper body endurance.

What exercise is the opposite of a pushup?

The opposite of a pushup is a pull-up, which involves pulling your body weight towards a stationary bar or handles.

Which pushup is best for biceps?

While pushups primarily target the chest, shoulders, and triceps, variations such as diamond or handstand pushups can engage the biceps to a greater extent.

Are reverse pushups good?

Yes, reverse pushups are excellent for strengthening the back muscles, improving posture, and enhancing overall upper body strength.

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