Do Pushups Increase Testosterone Levels? The Truth Revealed

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Pursuing fitness and well-being often intersects with a fascination for improving testosterone levels. Testosterone, a hormone synonymous with strength, vitality, and virility, is almost mythical in modern health conversations. However, it sometimes needs to be clarified what methods work to enhance its production or whether boosting testosterone even brings the tremendous benefits it promises. In this article, we’ll peel back the curtain of myth and learn to get to the bottom of one prevalent belief in the fitness community. Whether or not doing pushups can meaningfully boost testosterone levels.

Understanding Testosterone and Its Myths and Truths

Before we roll up our sleeves – possibly for some pushups – understanding the role of testosterone is crucial. Testosterone is present in all human bodies, but it’s the primary male sex hormone responsible for the development and function of male reproductive tissues. It also contributes to the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as enhanced muscle and bone density, as well as the growth of body hair. In puberty, testosterone initiates the deepening of the voice and the growth of the Adam’s apple in males.

However, this hormone is multitasking. It’s key in maintaining energy levels, regulating mood, and supporting cognitive functions. 

Also Learn : Plyo Pushups: What Are the 4 Benefits and How to Master This Move

Testosterone Works Alongside Your Body’s Endocrine System

The endocrine system releases hormones into the body, managing the balance and interactions of different hormones. The hypothalamus oversees this process by releasing hormones, the pituitary gland secretes the luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, and the gonads (testes in men, ovaries in women) then produce and release sex hormones, including testosterone. 

Testosterone’s Impact on Physical and Mental Well-Being

Abundant testosterone is generally associated with good health and high energy. More than just a “male hormone,” optimal levels in men and women are necessary for bone density, muscle strength, power, and well-being. It’s the very hormone that helps you hit harder, run faster, and think more clearly.

Remember, It’s All About Balance

It’s also worth noting that while low testosterone can cause health problems, excessively high levels can lead to aggression, infertility, and other disorders. The body is a finely tuned machine that operates best when hormones are maintained in the correct balance.

Common Myths and Misconceptions Around Testosterone

  • Low Testosterone and Anxiety
  • Some studies suggest a link between low testosterone and anxiety, but the findings are not conclusive. Low testosterone may contribute to a lack of motivation, which could exacerbate anxiety. Still, anxiety and testosterone are likely part of a complex web of interactions within the brain.
  • High Testosterone in Women
  • Women also produce testosterone but in smaller amounts. High levels of testosterone in women can lead to symptoms like acne, excessive hair growth, and male-pattern baldness. It can also disrupt menstrual cycles and fertility.
  • The Melatonin and Testosterone Relationship
  • There is evidence that melatonin, a hormone involved in sleep-wake cycles, may interact with testosterone levels. Research has suggested that melatonin could potentially inhibit testosterone production. Nevertheless, further research is required to gain a comprehensive understanding of this correlation.
  • The Cold Shower Effect
  • Some enthusiasts tout the benefits of cold showers in boosting testosterone. The science behind this is not yet solid, but cold may stimulate the production of certain hormones, including testosterone, and affect sperm quality. 
  • The Push-Ups Debate
  • Now, to the heart of the matter – pushups. Do they cause an uptick in your testosterone levels? The answer isn’t as straightforward as we might like. Doing pushups is a resistance exercise method known to increase testosterone levels – particularly in the short term. But how much are we talking about?


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The Science of Pushups

One study of young men found that a single amount of resistance exercise increased testosterone and growth hormone levels in the blood. However, research has been inconsistent—not all studies have found the same effects.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Benefits

While it’s clear that resistance exercises like pushups can briefly spike testosterone levels, it needs to be more evident whether this translates into meaningful long-term changes. The body adapts to exercise, making it more efficient over time, and these acute hormonal responses could fade. However, regular exercise, including resistance training, has been associated with overall higher testosterone levels.

Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone

Whether pushups alone can maintain your testosterone levels is inconclusive. Therefore, it’s best to adopt a multifaceted approach to boost testosterone. Here are some lifestyle and diet tips to consider:

  • Resistance Training
  • Combine pushups with other forms of resistance exercise, such as lifting weights, for a well-rounded fitness routine. Varying the types of resistance exercises can also help to keep the body adapting and ensure long-term benefits.
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Quality sleep is crucial for maintaining optimal testosterone levels. Aim to get 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to support hormonal balance and overall health.
  • Optimize Your Diet
  • Certain nutrients, such as vitamin D and zinc, are crucial for testosterone production. Ensure your diet contains a variety of nutrient-dense foods, and consider supplementation if you’re deficient.
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Obesity is linked to lower testosterone levels, so staying in a healthy weight range can help to support your hormonal balance.
  • Keep Stress in Check
  • Chronic stress can lead to a decline in testosterone levels. To reduce stress, adopt stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and regular breaks from work.

Foods and Habits That May Lower Testosterone

Just as there are ways to increase testosterone naturally, there are also habits and foods that could lower it:

  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  • Heavy drinking can lower testosterone levels. If you choose to drink alcohol, do it in moderation.
  • Soy Products
  • Soy contains phytoestrogens, plant compounds that can imitate the effects of estrogen in the body. While evidence is inconclusive, some research suggests these compounds may reduce testosterone levels.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Inactivity is associated with numerous health risks, including lower testosterone levels. Ensure you’re getting regular physical activity to support your overall health.
  • Chronic Sleep Deprivation
  • Lack of sleep over the long term can lower testosterone levels. Prioritize sleep in your daily routine.
  • Obesity
  • Carrying excess body weight, particularly around the midsection, is associated with lower testosterone levels. Maintaining a healthy weight can help support healthy hormone balance.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Side Effects

For some individuals with diagnosed low testosterone (hypogonadism), testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be recommended. TRT can come in the form of injections, gels, patches, or pellets and can help to restore testosterone levels to a healthy range.

Who Is TRT For?

TRT is typically for men with clinically low testosterone levels, as determined by blood tests, who are experiencing symptoms such as low libido, fatigue, and decreased muscle mass.

Potential Side Effects

Similar to any medical treatment, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) carries potential side effects and risks. These can include acne, sleep apnea, breast enlargement, and an increased risk of some types of cancer.

Always Consult a Professional

If you’re considering TRT, it’s essential to speak with a healthcare professional who can help you weigh the potential benefits against the risks for your specific situation.


Ultimately, it’s essential to look at the bigger picture of your health and fitness routine to determine the effectiveness of an activity like pushups in boosting testosterone levels. Regular exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and stress management all play a role in maintaining healthy testosterone levels. The key is consistency. Research is still catching up to these holistic strategies, but current evidence suggests the interplay of these lifestyle factors is most influential.

Testosterone is essential to bodily function, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle, which includes exercise like pushups, offers many benefits beyond the possibility of a slight testosterone boost. The goal should always be the whole person’s health and wellness, and a more active, balanced lifestyle is the pathway to it.


How can I check my testosterone levels?

A blood test ordered by a healthcare professional is the only reliable way to check your testosterone levels.

Can testosterone levels affect weight?

Yes, testosterone plays a role in body fat metabolism, muscle mass, and fat distribution. Low testosterone levels have been associated with an increased likelihood of weight gain, particularly around the abdomen.

How can I increase my testosterone levels quickly?

The most rapid way to increase testosterone is through medical treatments like TRT. For natural methods, engage in vigorous exercise, maintain a healthy weight, and ensure your diet contains adequate levels of key nutrients.

Do specific exercises lower testosterone levels?

There’s no solid evidence that any exercises lower testosterone levels. However, overtraining or extreme forms of endurance exercise can cause stress on the body and may temporarily reduce testosterone levels.

Can testosterone levels affect hair loss?

Yes, testosterone is involved in the regulation of hair growth. High levels of testosterone may lead to male pattern baldness in some individuals who are genetically predisposed.

At what age should I be concerned about my testosterone levels?

Testosterone levels naturally decline with age. If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, such as low libido or fatigue, see a healthcare professional for guidance.

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