How Many Calories Do Pushups Burn?

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How Many Calories Do Pushups Burn?
Image by vectorjuice on Freepik

Do you need a quick, go-to exercise that targets all of the muscles in your upper body, works your core, and burns calories? Look no more: The pushup stands as the quintessential exercise, capable of accomplishing all this and beyond. Pushups are a strength-building move, primarily working your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. They only require your body weight, making them a great on-the-go addition to your routine. The number of calories pushups burn varies from person to person, but in general, they can burn at least 7 calories per minute. If you’re curious about the specifics, a “push ups calories burned calculator” can provide a more personalized insight into your calorie-burning potential.

How Many Calories Do Pushups Burn?
Healthy and unhealthy infographic template with useful and harmful habits different activities and nutrition vector illustration

Body composition, particularly weight, plays a substantial role. Generally, the larger the person, the more calories they burn, even at rest.

Gender differences impact calorie burn. Typically, males tend to burn more calories than females during the same exercise due to differences in body fat and muscle mass.

Understanding the interplay of these factors sheds light on the personalized nature of calorie burn during pushups. Tailoring your exercise routine to align with these individual characteristics ensures a more effective and targeted approach to achieving fitness goals. As with any exercise regimen, recognizing and embracing your unique profile can make the journey to a healthier you both enjoyable and successful.

Also Read: One Day, One Mission: World Record for Most Push-Ups in 24 Hours

Pushups aren’t just about calorie burn; they’re portable and challenging, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Strengthening your shoulders, chest, triceps, and core, pushups also contribute to proper execution of fitness moves and daily functions involving bending, twisting, flexion, and extension. A robust core resulting from pushups can even help protect against lower back pain.

Personal Experience:

How Many Calories Do Pushups Burn?

In conclusion, pushups offer more than just calorie burn; they’re a versatile and effective addition to any fitness routine. Tailoring the intensity, focusing on form, and being mindful of your body’s signals can elevate your pushup experience and contribute to a holistic approach to wellness.


Do pushups help lose weight?

Yes, pushups can contribute to weight loss by building muscle, boosting metabolism, and burning calories. When combined with a balanced diet, they become a valuable part of a weight loss strategy.

How many calories do pull-ups burn?

The exact number varies based on factors like weight and intensity, but on average, pull-ups can burn around 200-300 calories per hour. Incorporating them into your routine adds both strength and calorie-burning benefits.

How many pushups to burn 1000 calories?

The number of pushups needed to burn 1000 calories depends on factors like weight and intensity. On average, a person weighing around 155 pounds might burn approximately 143 calories in 20 minutes, so it would take about 140 minutes of continuous pushups to reach 1000 calories.

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