Plyo Pushups: What Are the 4 Benefits and How to Master This Move

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plyo pushup

If you’re someone who’s always looking for that next level in your workouts, you may have come across a form of exercise that’s both valued and feared in the fitness community:

Key Points at the Glance

What Are Plyo Pushups

Plyometric pushups, or simply ‘plyo pushups.’ They’re the kind of move that make on lookers’ eyes widen with a mix of admiration and disbelief, while those performing them often feel a surge of excitement at the power they’re able to exert. This is also considered the best plyometric exercises for explosiveness.

In this deep dive into the world of plyo pushups, we’ll explore what they are, the benefits they offer, and crucially, how you can incorporate them into your training routine—from entry-level techniques to advanced variations for the seasoned fitness fanatic.

The Science Behind Plyo Pushups

Let’s unravel what’s beneath the surface of this explosive exercise. Originating from the concept of plyometrics, plyo pushups are a bodyweight exercise that requires rapid and powerful contraction of muscles, usually preceded by a stretching phase (eccentric contraction). By stretching the muscles before quickly shortening them, they store and then release energy, which translates into both strengths and speed—a winning combination in any fitness regimen.

What are the benefits of plyo pushups?

  • Increased Upper Body Strength: Unlike traditional pushups, the explosive nature of plyo pushups engages a larger number of muscle fibers, leading to greater muscle recruitment. This translates to more significant chest, shoulder, and triceps strength gains.
  • Improved Power and Speed: Plyometric exercises are designed to enhance explosiveness and speed, making them a go-to for athletes looking to step up their game in sports that require sudden bursts of energy, such as basketball or boxing.
  • Enhanced Core Stability and Balance: To execute a successful plyo pushup, your core must remain tight and stabilize your body. This engagement strengthens your core, improving your balance and stability in other exercises and daily tasks.
  • Cardiovascular Conditioning: Engaging in a series of plyo pushups can quickly elevate your heart rate, making them not just a strength exercise, but a potent cardio workout as well.

How to do a plyo pushup

Let’s break down the mechanics of the plyo pushup to help you understand the movement and its execution.

  • Starting Position: Begin in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width, fingers spread to support your weight.
  • Downward Phase: Lower your body toward the ground in a controlled manner, keeping your core engaged and back flat, lower yourself until your chest hovers slightly above the ground.
  • Explosive Push-Off: Press through the palms of your hands with enough force to lift your upper body off the ground.
  • Land Softly: In the air, quickly extend your arms and hands slightly outward, then bring them back to catch your fall as you descend.
  • Controlled Breathing: Exhale as you push away from the ground, and inhale as you return to the starting position.

Safety First: Tips for Mastering the Plyo Pushups

Plyo Pushup: Plyometric exercises are advanced and require a certain fitness level and optimum form to prevent injury. Here are some essential safety tips to remember when attempting plyo pushups.

Warm-up Adequately: Dynamic stretching and a light upper body workout can help prep your muscles for the intensity of plyo pushups.

Start Slow: If you’re new to plyometrics, start with just a few reps and gradually increase the volume as your strength and technique improve.

Land Softly: Upon returning to the ground, do so with a degree of flexibility in your arms to cushion the landing and protect your joints.

Maintain Proper Form: Always keep your body in a straight line, engage your core and focus on the correct hand and arm placement to avoid shoulder injuries.

Surface Matters: Perform plyo pushups on a flat, non-slip surface to ensure stability and reduce the risk of slipping.

How to Make Plyo Pushups Easier or Harder

Whether you’re just starting or are already well-acquainted with plyo pushups, there are techniques to adjust the difficulty of the exercise to suit your current fitness level.

How to Make Plyo Pushups Easier

Reduce the range of motion: Instead of aiming for a full pushup, lower your chest only partway to the ground.

Knee Plyo Pushups: Do the pushing-off phase on your hands and knees, then bring your feet up for the next rep.

 Slow the pace: Perform the downward phase of the movement slowly and pause briefly before the explosive pushup.

 How to Make Plyo Pushups More Challenging

 Clap Plyo Pushups: Instead of just pushing off, perform a full clap before returning your hands to the ground.

 Single-Arm Plyo Pushups: Push off explosively from a pushup position using only one arm, then switch arms for each rep.

Box Jumps Combo: Incorporate box jumps other lower-body plyometric exercises between sets of plyo pushups.

Weighted Plyo Pushups: Place a weighted vest or have a partner gently apply resistance to your back as you push off.

Modifications for Beginners

  • Incline Plyo Pushups: Perform plyo pushups with your hands on an elevated surface, such as a bench, to reduce the intensity.
  • Resistance Band Plyo Pushups: Use a resistance band to assist you in the push-off phase, then work toward doing it without assistance.

 Advanced Variations

  • Clap Behind Back: Once you’ve mastered the front clap, try clapping your hands behind your back before landing.
  • One-Leg Plyo Pushups: Keep one leg off the ground throughout the movement to add more instability and challenge.

Incorporating Plyometric Pushups into a Workout Routine

The key to making plyo pushups are a valuable addition to your fitness routine; to integrate them thoughtfully. Try incorporating them into a circuit, alternating with other plyometric exercises or core-strengthening moves. For instance, a routine might involve one set of plyo pushups followed by box jumps and then one minute of plank holds.

Sample Plyometric Pushup Workout Routine

Ready to put plyo pushups into practice? Here’s a sample workout routine to get you started on incorporating plyometric exercises like plyo pushups into your regimen: 5-minute dynamic warm-up (such as arm circles, leg swings, high knees, and jumping jacks)

  • Three sets of 10 plyometric pushups (or a suitable number for your fitness level), with 1-2 minutes of rest between sets
  • Three sets of 20 bodyweight squats
  • Three sets of 15 jumping lunges
  • Two sets of 1-minute elbow plank holds
  • Dedicate 5-10 minutes to static stretching, focusing on the chest, shoulders, triceps, and quadriceps.
  • Start with a rep range and rest period that allows you to execute each set with good technique.
  • Gradually increase reps and reduce rest times as your strength and cardiovascular endurance improves.

 In Conclusion: The Power of the Plyo Pushup

Plyo pushups are more than just a flashy display of strength—they’re a dynamic exercise that can take your fitness to new heights, quite literally. By understanding the mechanics of the movement and how to approach it safely, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the benefits of this explosive exercise. Remember, progress is a journey, not a destination. Stay consistent, listen to your body, and watch your hard work pay off in spades with increased strength, power, and a deep sense of accomplishment. Whether you’re an avid gym-goer or an elite athlete, the plyo pushup is an exercise that can add a thrilling edge to any workout routine. So, next time you’re in the gym or working out at home, consider incorporating plyo pushups into your regimen. Push yourself, but always with proper form, patience, and a focus on safety. The rewards will be well worth the effort.

 Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary muscles worked in a plyometric pushup?

The primary muscles targeted in a plyo pushup are the pectoral muscles (chest), deltoids (shoulders), triceps, and the core muscles, which provide the necessary stabilization during the explosive movement.

 How often should I incorporate plyometric Pushups into my workout routine?

It is recommended to include plyo pushups 1-2 times per week, allowing adequate rest between sessions since they are a high-intensity exercise that requires significant recovery time for the muscles involved.

Can plyo pushups help with weight loss?

While plyo pushups are primarily a strength and power exercise, they can contribute to weight loss as part of a comprehensive high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program, which is known to burn a high number of calories.

Are plyometric pushups suitable for beginners?

Plyo pushups are an advanced exercise. Beginners should build their basic pushup strength and form before progressing to plyometric variations, starting with easier modifications.

Pain while performing plyometric pushups?

If you experience wrist pain, it may be helpful to focus on wrist-strengthening exercises, use pushups grips, or perform the exercise on your fists (if safe) to keep the wrist in a more neutral position. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a fitness professional or a physiotherapist for personalized advice tailored to your individual needs.

Is it normal to not be able to do a plyometric?

Yes, it is perfectly normal to struggle with performing plyo pushups initially. They require a combination of strength, power, and coordination that must be developed gradually through practice and progressive training. 

What are common form errors to watch out for during plyometric pushups?

Common form errors include sagging of the hips, flaring out the elbows, incomplete range of motion, and landing harshly without proper absorption of the impact by the muscles. It’s crucial to maintain a straight body line and to land with elbows slightly bent to protect the joints.

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