Try This: 3 Pushup Variations That Work Your Biceps

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Are you looking to elevate your pushup variations while targeting those biceps? Look no further. This article will explore three best pushup variations that specifically engage and work your biceps. These variations add diversity to your routine and provide an effective way to sculpt and strengthen your arms.

Close Stance Pushup

The close stance pushup is a dynamic exercise that adds diversity to your workout routine and strategically targets and engages the biceps for an intensified training experience. This variation hones in on the biceps by bringing your hands closer beneath your chest, providing a more focused and challenging workout for these specific muscle groups.

To perform this exercise effectively, maintain a straight body line from head to heels, ensuring proper form. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your torso, and as you lower your body, keep your elbows close to your sides. This controlled movement maximizes bicep engagement, making each repetition more impactful.

Incorporating the close stance pushup into your routine stimulates muscle growth and diversifies your upper body workout. As you power through each repetition, feeling the burn in your biceps, you’ll appreciate the targeted effort this variation brings.

Also Learn : Benefits of Wide Angle Pushups

Begin with a manageable number of repetitions and gradually increase as your strength and endurance improve. This strategically focused exercise contributes to a well-rounded fitness regimen, enhancing upper body strength. Elevate your workout by embracing the challenge and benefits of the close stance pushup for sculpted, powerful biceps.

Inside Pushup with Reversed Hands

For a unique twist, try the inside pushup with reversed hands. This involves turning your hands inward, changing the angle, and targeting the biceps distinctively. Mastering this variation may take some practice, but the benefits for your biceps make it worthwhile.

The inside pushup with reversed hands adds an exciting dimension to your workout routine, distinctively challenging your muscles. Turning your hands inward alters the traditional pushup angle, placing a unique emphasis on the biceps. This variation not only targets the biceps but also engages the chest, triceps, and shoulders in a novel way.

To master this intriguing pushup, start with a proper warmup to prepare your upper body for the hand position shift. Begin in a standard pushup position and gradually rotate your hands so your fingers point toward each other. The closer hand placement intensifies the load on the biceps during the movement. Focus on maintaining a controlled descent and ascent, emphasizing the engagement of the biceps throughout.

While this variation may initially feel challenging, consistency is key. Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase as your strength and familiarity with the movement improve. Including the inside pushup with reversed hands in your routine adds diversity and promotes well-rounded bicep development, making it a valuable addition to your upper body workout repertoire.

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One-armed Pushup

Ready to take it up a notch? The one-armed pushup is a challenging yet rewarding variation emphasizing each bicep. Start with modifications if needed, and gradually progress to the full one-armed pushup for optimal bicep engagement. See the Complete Guide.

This advanced variation targets the biceps and engages the chest, shoulders, and core. Begin with proper warmup exercises to prepare your muscles for the intensity of the movement. If you’re new to this exercise, consider starting with modifications like elevated or knee assisted one-armed pushups. This allows you to build strength progressively. Focus on maintaining a straight body line and stabilizing your core throughout the movement.

As you advance, work towards performing the full one-armed pushup. Position your hand directly under your shoulder and spread your legs for stability. Keep the nonworking arm behind your back to increase the load on the working bicep. Lower your body in a controlled manner, emphasizing the engagement of the bicep. Push back up to the starting position, maintaining balance. Consistency is key, so gradually increase repetitions as your strength improves. Include this challenging variation in your routine for well-rounded bicep development and overall upper body strength.

More Variations

Pushup Variations

Hardest Pushup Variation

Take your push-up game to the next level with these challenging variations that will leave your muscles burning and your fitness goals soaring. Elevate the intensity by incorporating one-arm push-ups, where the focus on stability and strength becomes unparalleled. Engage your core and enhance your upper body strength with diamond push-ups, positioning your hands close together beneath your chest by doing this it also works as pushup variation for chest. For an added dimension, dive into decline push-ups by elevating your feet on a sturdy surface, intensifying the load on your chest and shoulders. Master the art of plyometric push-ups to boost explosive power—add a clap or even strive for a 180-degree turn mid-air. These harder push-up variations not only sculpt your physique but also inject excitement into your workout routine, transforming the mundane into a thrilling challenge that propels you towards peak fitness.

How To Train Your Biceps With Pushups

To train your biceps effectively with pushups, it’s crucial to focus on proper form and variation. Start with the classic pushup position, ensuring your hands are slightly wider than shoulder width apart. As you lower your body, engage your biceps by keeping your elbows close to your sides. To intensify the bicep activation, experiment with different hand placements. Try diamond pushups by bringing your hands together beneath your chest, emphasizing the inner part of the biceps.

Additionally, incline or decline pushups can shift the focus to different parts of the biceps. Remember, slow and controlled movements are key to maximizing muscle engagement. Consistent incorporating these variations into your routine ensures a well-rounded bicep workout using the versatile pushup.

Other Biceps Focused Exercises

While these pushup variations are fantastic for bicep engagement, it’s essential to diversify your routine. Incorporate other biceps focused exercises like bicep curls, hammer curls, and chin-ups to provide a comprehensive workout for your arms.

Advanced Pushup Variations

If you’re craving more challenges, consider exploring advanced pushup variations like the Spiderman, explosive clap, and the Archer pushup. These variations intensify your workout and target multiple muscle groups, providing a holistic approach to fitness.

The Spiderman pushup adds a dynamic twist, engaging your core and obliques as you bring your knee toward your elbow with each descent. Feel the explosive power with clap pushups, enhancing strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Take on the Archer pushup to sculpt your chest and shoulders asymmetrically, providing a unique challenge to your upper body muscles. Extending one arm while bending the other, you’ll experience a targeted workout promoting balance and strength.

These advanced variations not only elevate the difficulty level but also ensure a comprehensive approach to fitness by targeting multiple muscle groups. Incorporate these dynamic pushup variations into your routine for a workout that challenges both body and mind, pushing your fitness boundaries to new heights. As always, prioritize proper form and gradually increase the intensity for optimal results. Elevate your pushup game and redefine your fitness journey with these advanced variations.

Read Also: Are Push-ups Terrible during Pregnancy?

Things to Consider

Before diving into these variations, it’s crucial to consider a few factors. Ensure you warm up adequately to prevent injuries, pay attention to your form, and listen to your body. These variations can be intense, so gradual progression is key. Consistency and proper technique will yield the best results.

Common Myths About Bicep Training

Let’s debunk some common myths about bicep training. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need heavy weights to build strong biceps. Bodyweight exercises like pushups can be highly effective. We’ll explore these misconceptions and provide scientifically backed information to guide your bicep training journey.

Importance of Bicep Strength in Overall Fitness

Strong biceps aren’t just for show; they are crucial to overall fitness. From improved functional strength to enhanced athletic performance, robust biceps contribute to a well-rounded physique. We’ll delve into the broader benefits of bicep strength beyond aesthetics.

Personal Stories and Testimonials

Seeking motivation? Read personal stories and testimonials from individuals who transformed their biceps using these pushup variations. Real-life success stories can inspire and encourage you on your fitness journey.

Nutrition Tips for Bicep Growth

Pair your workouts with proper nutrition for optimal bicep growth. We’ll discuss the essential nutrients that support muscle development and provide tips on creating a balanced diet to complement your fitness goals.

Workout Plans for Bicep Focus

Ready to incorporate these pushup variations into a structured workout plan? We’ll provide sample routines tailored for different fitness levels, ensuring you have a roadmap for consistent progress in your bicep focused journey.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Expect challenges along the way. Whether it’s mastering a new variation or staying consistent, we’ve got you covered. We’ll address common hurdles and provide practical solutions to keep you on track to bicep success.

Tips for Consistency and Progress

Consistency is key in any fitness journey. Discover tips for maintaining a consistent workout routine, monitoring your progress, and celebrating the small victories contributing to your overall success.


In conclusion, these pushup variations offer a dynamic.

 It is an effective way to work your biceps. Each variation brings its own benefits, from the close stance pushup to the challenging one-armed pushup. Remember to listen to your body, progress gradually, and enjoy the journey of enhancing your bicep strength.

Frequently Asked Questions on Pushups Variations

1. Are these pushup variations suitable for beginners?

    Yes, beginners can start with modified versions of these pushups and gradually progress to the full variations.

2. How often should I incorporate these variations into my workout routine?

    Aim for 23 times a week, allowing time for recovery between sessions.

3. Can I do these pushups if I have joint issues?

    It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, but modifications can often be made to accommodate joint issues.

4. Will these pushups help me build muscle mass in my biceps?

    Yes, these pushup variations can contribute to muscle growth when combined with a balanced diet and proper nutrition.

5. Can I do these pushups at home without any equipment?

    These variations require no equipment, making them perfect for home workouts.


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