What Are the 5 Best Alternatives to Pushups?

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Alternatives to Pushups, Planks, FMB

Pushups are a fantastic exercise, but it’s essential to diversify your workout routine. Explore alternative exercises to target different muscle groups and add variety to your training regimen.

What muscles do regular pushups work?

Alternatives to Pushups

1. High Plank

   – Engages the core, shoulders, and arms.

   – Maintaining a plank position builds endurance and stability.

2. Side Plank

   – Targets the obliques and strengthens the lateral core.

   – Improves balance and posture.

Alternatives to Pushups

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3. Offset Single-Arm Dumbbell Chest Press

   – Focuses on chest muscles and stabilizing core muscles.

– Incorporates unilateral training for balanced strength.

4. Standing Dumbbell Rotational Punches

   – Works on rotational strength and engages the entire core.

   – Enhances functional movement patterns.

5. Traditional Bench Press

– A classic compound exercise targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

   – Provides an alternative with added resistance.


Diversifying your exercise routine with these pushup alternatives not only prevents monotony but also ensures a comprehensive approach to muscle development. Tailor your workouts based on individual fitness goals and enjoy the benefits of a well-rounded training regimen.

What Are the Best Alternatives to Pushups? FAQs

What exercise is equivalent to push-ups?

– The bench press is an effective alternative, engaging similar muscle groups and providing a different range of motion.

What is better than push-ups?

– Depending on your goals, exercises like bench press, dips, or chest fly can offer variations that may better suit your needs.

Can I get strong without push-ups?

– Absolutely. Strength can be developed through various exercises targeting similar muscle groups, offering flexibility in your fitness routine.

Are planks a good alternative to push-ups?

– Yes, planks are excellent for core engagement and stability, making them a valuable alternative to push-ups for overall strength and endurance.

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