What are the best pushups for the biceps?

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Building strong and defined biceps is a goal that many fitness enthusiasts strive for. Not only do well-developed biceps enhance the aesthetic appeal of your arms, but they also play a crucial role in various upper body movements. While countless exercises exist to target your biceps, pushups can be an incredibly effective and convenient option. Yes, you read it right. Pushups aren’t just for the chest and triceps; they can also be used to sculpt those coveted bulging biceps. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best pushup variations targeting your biceps, helping you achieve those impressive arm gains you’ve always wanted. So get ready to pump up your guns as we dive into the world of pushups for stronger, more defined biceps.

What is the bicep?

Regarding arm muscles, the biceps are often in the spotlight. But what exactly is the bicep? Well, let’s dive into a brief anatomy lesson.

The biceps brachii, commonly called the biceps, is a muscle on the front of your upper arm. It consists of two heads – the long head and short head – that originate from different points on your shoulder blade and join together at a tendon that attaches to your forearm bone.

The primary function of the biceps is elbow flexion, which allows you to bend your arm at the elbow joint. This movement happens when you bring your hand towards your shoulder against resistance or lift weights using an underhand grip. The secondary function of the biceps is forearm supination, which rotates your palm upwards.

Having well-developed biceps enhances your overall arm aesthetics and provides functional strength for various everyday activities and sports movements. So whether you’re aiming for those impressive beach-ready arms or looking to improve athletic performance, incorporating exercises that target this important muscle group can help you achieve those goals.

How to do pushups for the Biceps?

Pushups are a fantastic exercise to help you build strong and defined biceps. To target your biceps effectively during pushups, it’s important to maintain the correct form and perform specific variations. Here’s how to do pushups for biceps:

To further intensify the workout for your biceps, consider incorporating these variations:

1. Wide-grip pushups:

Place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart to emphasize the outer portion of your biceps more.

2. Diamond pushups:

Positioning your hands close together under your chest forms a diamond shape, targeting the inner part of your biceps.

Consistency plays a crucial role in realizing tangible results from any workout regimen. Incorporate these pushup variations into regular workouts targeting all major muscle groups for optimal overall strength and development.

How to do pushups for the Biceps?

Best pushups for biceps

The biceps are one of the most prominent muscles in our arms, and many people desire well-defined biceps. While various exercises target this muscle group, pushups can effectively strengthen and tone your biceps. Not only do pushups engage your chest and triceps, but they also activate your biceps as stabilizers during the movement.

So, what are the best pushups for targeting those biceps? One option is the close-grip pushup. This variation involves placing your hands closer together than a traditional pushup, which places more emphasis on your triceps and the inner part of the bicep muscle.

Another great choice is the diamond or triangle pushup. In this variation, you form a diamond shape with your hands by touching index fingers and thumbs beneath your chest. This exercise primarily targets your triceps and the outer part of the bicep muscle.

If you’re looking for an advanced challenge, try incline or decline pushups using elevated surfaces such as a bench or step. These variations increase resistance in your arms, including the bicep muscles.

Always maintain proper form when performing these exercises to avoid injury and maximize results. Start with a few sets of 10-12 reps and gradually increase as you build strength.

While doing pushups alone won’t magically give you bulging biceps overnight, consistent practice combined with a balanced diet can help you achieve noticeable results over time. Patience is key.

Incorporating different types of pushups into your workout routine will target specific areas of your arms and provide overall upper body strength gains. Why not include some variety in those arm workouts?

Give these variations a try and see how they work for you. And remember to consult with a fitness professional before starting any new exercise regimen.

Recommended Raps for Beginner & Pro:

When it comes to pushups that target the biceps, a few variations are highly recommended for beginners and experienced individuals alike. These exercises engage your biceps and work out other muscles in your upper body.

For beginners, starting with the basic pushup is essential. This exercise helps build strength in your arms, shoulders, and chest while activating your biceps. Performing this classic move properly will lay a strong foundation for more advanced variations.

You can progress to incline pushups once you have mastered the basic pushups. By elevating your hands on an elevated surface, such as a bench or step, you increase the intensity of the exercise and target your biceps even more effectively.

Another great option is diamond pushups. You activate your triceps and emphasize working those bicep muscles by placing your hands together under your chest so that your thumbs and index finger emphasize forming a diamond shape.

For those looking for an additional challenge, plyometric or explosive pushups can take things up a notch. Incorporating explosive movements into regular pushups helps develop power in the upper body while engaging the biceps throughout each repetition.

Always maintain proper form during these exercises to avoid injury and maximise. It’s important to listen to your body’s limits and gradually increase intensity as you become more comfortable with each variation.

Whether you’re just starting out or already have some experience under your belt, incorporating these recommended raps into your workout routine will help sculpt stronger and more defined biceps over time.

How much time will it take to put the biceps in proper shape?

Building well-defined biceps takes time and consistency. It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that results will vary from person to person. Several factors come into play when determining how long it will take to sculpt your biceps.

Your starting point matters. If you’re a complete beginner with little muscle mass, it may take longer compared to someone with a foundation of strength.

The frequency and intensity of your workouts matter. Consistency is key. Aim for at least two or three dedicated arm training sessions per week, focusing on specific exercises that target the biceps.

Genetics also play a role in how quickly you’ll see progress. Some individuals naturally build muscle more easily than others.

Proper nutrition and rest are crucial for muscle growth. You need to fuel your body with adequate protein and nutrients while allowing sufficient time for recovery between workouts.

While it’s difficult to give an exact timeframe as everyone’s journey is unique, generally speaking, noticeable changes can be seen within 8-12 weeks of consistent training if combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Remember, building impressive biceps requires patience and dedication. Enjoy the process of challenging yourself, and watch as your efforts pay off over time.

Pros & Cons – What are the best pushups for the biceps

Pushups are a versatile exercise targeting multiple muscle groups, including the biceps. Incorporating pushups into your workout routine offers several benefits for your overall fitness and strength training goals.

One of the major advantages of pushups is that they require no special equipment or gym membership. You can do them anytime, anywhere, making it convenient for those with busy schedules or limited resources.

Additionally, pushups engage the biceps and other muscles, such as the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. This means you get a full-body workout in one exercise.

Another pro of doing pushups for the biceps is that they help improve upper body strength and stability. As you continuously challenge yourself by increasing repetitions or trying different variations of pushups, you’ll notice improved muscle tone and definition in your arms.

On the flip side, there are some potential downsides to consider when incorporating pushups into your fitness routine. One common con is wrist discomfort or pain if proper form and technique are not followed. Maintaining a straight line from your wrists to your shoulders during each repetition is crucial to minimize on the wrists.

Another potential drawback is that pushups can build muscle endurance and strength in the biceps. However, they may provide less isolated focus on this specific muscle group than targeted exercises like curls with dumbbells or barbells.

Whether you include pushups in your bicep workouts depends on your goals and preferences. While they offer numerous benefits, such as convenience and overall upper body strengthening effects, it’s important to listen to your body and make modifications if necessary.


Q: What is the best pushup for targeting the biceps?

A: The best pushup variation for targeting the biceps is the close-grip pushup. By placing your hands closer together, you engage more of your bicep muscles and increase their activation during the exercise.

Q: How many pushups should I do to see results in my biceps?

A: This can vary depending on your fitness level and goals. However, incorporating pushups into your regular workout routine and gradually increasing the number of reps or sets over time can help you see improvements in your bicep strength and size.

Q: Can pushups alone give me well-defined biceps?

A: Pushups, including the biceps, are a great exercise for overall upper body strength. However, if you want well-defined biceps, it’s important to incorporate other exercises targeting this muscle group, such as curls or chin-ups.

Q: How long does it take to get proper shape in my biceps with pushups?

A: The amount of time it takes to see visible changes in your bicep shape will depend on genetics, diet, consistency of training, and overall fitness level. With consistent effort and a balanced approach to training both strength and hypertrophy (muscle growth), you can start seeing noticeable improvements in a few weeks to a few months.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to doing too many pushups for the biceps?

A: While pushups are generally safe when performed with proper form and technique, excessive repetitions without sufficient recovery time can lead to overuse injuries such as tendinitis or strain. Listening to your body’s signals and making adjustments accordingly is essential for a safe and effective workout.

Remember that achieving desired results requires patience, dedication, proper nutrition, and regular exercise routines that include targeted exercises like those mentioned above. Always consult a qualified fitness professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries.

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