Will Pushups Increase My Bench Press? Elevate Your Bench Press Today

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Are you looking to elevate your bench press game? You might not have to look further than the humble pushup. It’s a classic bodyweight exercise that not only builds a muscular chest, shoulders, and triceps but also has the potential to enhance your bench press performance significantly. Dive into this informative listicle to uncover the science, unique benefits, and practical advice on integrating pushups into your workout routine for a stronger, more impressive bench press. Perhaps you’re fixated on lifting heavier weights while horizontal. Or you’re curious about how to couple the classic pushup with your bench press to achieve new heights of strength and endurance. Whether you’re a devoted lifter or a curious newcomer to the world of weights, understanding how pushups can enhance your bench press routine is crucial. This comprehensive guide breaks down the benefits, science, and real-world strategies for using pushups to take your bench press to the next level.

How to Increase the Intensity of Your Pushup

Pushups are the building block of upper body fitness. But to fully harness their potential for a stronger bench press, you must occasionally bid the traditional form adieu and welcome increased intensity. Here’s how:

  • Alter Your Hand Placement
  • Narrower hand placements can shift the focus to your triceps, which are crucial for the lockout phase of a bench press. A wider position, on the other hand, emphasizes the pectoral muscles, mimicking a traditional barbell bench press.
  • Elevate Your Feet
  • You target the upper chest and shoulders by elevating your feet on a bench or box, replicating a decline bench press motion. This can be particularly beneficial for enhancing the lower pec development.
  • Add Resistance
  • Introduce a weight plate on your back, or invest in a weighted vest to compound the effort needed for each pushup. Resistance strengthens the muscles by forcing them to work harder against an opposing force.
  • Incorporate Plyometrics
  • Consider clapping or explosive pushups, which improve the speed and reaction of your chest and tricep muscles. This can translate to a more explosive bench press, allowing you to move heavier weights quickly.
  • Tempo Training
  • Adjusting the speed at which you lower and raise your body during a pushup can mimic different phases of a bench press and refine muscle control. Use a count to ensure you get the concentric and eccentric movements right.
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The Science Behind It

  • Muscle Endurance and Strength
  • Pushups primarily engage the pectoral, triceps, and shoulder muscles. By training these muscles with repetitions and variations, you can increase your muscle endurance, which can be beneficial during extended sets of bench pressing.
  • Neuromuscular Efficiency
  • The exercise can enhance your neuromuscular efficiency because pushups require coordinated efforts from various muscle groups, including stabilizing muscles. This efficiency can translate to better bench press form and performance.
  • Progressive Overload
  • By manipulating the intensity of your pushups, you can employ the principle of progressive overload—exposing your muscles to more excellent resistance over time. This principle is the cornerstone of muscle and strength gains, preparing your body for heavier bench press sessions.
  • Similar Movement Patterns
  • Both pushups and bench press engage in a similar horizontal pushing motion, which means the two exercises share primary mover muscles. Strengthening these muscles through pushups can improve your bench press strength and form.
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Unique Benefits of Pushups

  • Functional Strength
  • Unlike resistance exercises isolating muscle groups, pushups require multiple muscle groups, improving functional strength. This strength can directly enhance your ability to perform complex movements, such as bench pressing.
  • Core Engagement
  • Core strength and stability are necessary to maintain good form while doing pushups. A strong core is essential for effectively transferring force in the bench press, helping you lift heavier weights.
  • Injury Prevention
  • Pushups can help you identify and correct muscle imbalances, reducing the risk of injury during the bench press. They also strengthen stabilizer muscles, which can protect against injuries caused by over-reliance on major muscle groups.
  • Improved Joint Health
  • Pushups’ controlled, weight-bearing nature can help preserve joint health, ensuring a solid foundation for your bench press. Strong and well-conditioned joints are less prone to overuse and impact-related injuries, especially under heavy weight.
  • Incorporating Pushups into Your Routine
  • Structured organization is critical to reaping the full benefits of pushups for your bench press. Here’s how to incorporate them into your workout regimen:
  • Warm-Up with Pushups
  • Standard pushups can effectively warm up the muscles you’ll be using during bench presses. This reduces the risk of injury and prepares your body for lifting heavier weights.
  • Pushups on Rest Days
  • On days you’re not bench pressing, perform pushups to maintain strength and muscle engagement. It can also help in active recovery, stimulating blood flow to your muscles without the strain of heavy lifting.
  • Superset with Bench Press
  • After a set of bench presses, drop and perform a set of pushups. This ‘superset’ technique can exhaust your muscles, demonstrating potential weaknesses in your bench press setting and rectifying those weaknesses with a pushup set.
  • Cycle Pushup Variants
  • Regularly switching between pushup types ensures that you’re targeting various muscle groups and preventing your body from adapting to the demands of the exercise, which can lead to plateaus in muscle gain and strength.
  • Pushups as a Finisher
  • Conclude your workout with a high-repetition pushup set to give your muscles a final push and to push your limits. This finishing touch can help build both physical and mental toughness.

Read More : Are Pushups Good for Abs? Unveiling the Secret to Sculpted Core Strength.

Can Pushups Improve My Bench Press?

Absolutely. Pushups, when executed with proper form and technique, can strengthen the same muscle groups that are critical for improving your bench press performance. They’re a solid foundation for building pushing power and endurance, directly translating to a stronger bench press.

Do Pushups Help You Lift More?

Through progressive overload and varied intensity, pushups can help you lift more. They do so by enhancing muscle strength and endurance, optimizing muscle fiber recruitment, and increasing neuromuscular efficiency, all key components to taking on heavier bench press weights.

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How to Increase Bench Press

  • Train Consistently
  • Benchpress regularly to develop neuromuscular efficiency and ensure your muscles are accustomed to the movement. Like any skill, practice makes perfect.
  • Focus on Form
  • Proper bench press form is indispensable for improving strength and avoiding injury. Focus on the bar path, grip width, and body positioning before adding excessive weight.
  • Progressively Overload
  • Increase the weight you lift on the bench press over time to challenge and strengthen your muscles continually. This gradual increase in resistance is critical for continued progress.
  • Incorporate Variations
  • Incorporate bench press variations, such as incline or decline presses, to target different parts of the chest and further strengthen auxiliary muscles.
  • Supplemental Exercises
  • Include other chest, tricep, and shoulder exercises to build the synergistic muscles that support the bench press.
  • Nutritional Support
  • A balanced diet with enough calories and protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth. Supplements like creatine are known to enhance strength and power during resistance training.
  • Recovery is Key
  • Ensure adequate rest between bench press sessions. Muscles grow and become stronger during recovery periods, not while you’re lifting weights.


The correlation between pushups and bench press strength is not an urban myth; it is rooted in exercise science and the principles of strength training. Integrating pushups into your workout routine can elevate your bench press performance and achieve the muscular gains you’ve been striving for. Pushups are:

  • A versatile companion to your bench press.
  • Offering not just raw strength but functional fitness.
  • Injury prevention.
  • Enhanced joint health.

It’s time to get down and give pushups the credit they deserve in weightlifting.

This link between the two exercises isn’t a shortcut but a practical and holistic approach to developing a robust and powerful upper body, one pushup at a time. Remember, patience and persistent training will unlock the full potential that pushups bring to your bench press game.

Read More : The Power Minute: World Record Pushups in 60 seconds 2023


Q: How many pushups should I do to improve my bench press?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Start with what’s comfortable and gradually increase your pushup numbers. Focus on quality over quantity, ensuring you perform each pushup properly.

Q: Should I focus on my bench press technique before using pushups to improve it?

Yes, refining your bench press technique is essential. Pushups are a complementary exercise, not a complete substitute for bench pressing. Use them with a well-structured bench press regimen to see the best results.

Q: Can pushups alone give me the same results as bench press?

While pushups can build strength and muscle endurance, particularly in the chest and triceps, their effects may not mirror the bench press. The bench press is a compound, heavy resistance exercise rapidly increasing upper body strength and muscle mass. Pushups are an effective bodyweight exercise and should be used with a well-rounded resistance and exercise program.

Q: When should I not do pushups, as they may hinder my bench press performance?

Avoid pushups before your bench press session if you feel overly tired or sore, which could impact your performance. Remember to listen to your body; if you’re injured or in pain, it’s best to rest or consult a professional rather than push through with an exercise.

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