Conquer Wrist Pain When Doing Push-Ups: Your Guide to Pain-Free Workouts

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Push-ups are one of the most fundamental and effective exercises in the fitness world. They challenge multiple muscle groups and provide a full-body workout without equipment. Despite their simplicity, push-ups can be pretty complex, especially when you notice pain in your wrists. If you’re an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or even a physical therapist, understanding how to perform push-ups properly so you can avoid wrist pain is crucial. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to conquer wrist discomfort and help you maintain a healthy and enjoyable workout experience.

Wrist pain during push-ups is a common issue. It often stems from incorrect form, weak stabilizing muscles in the wrists and forearms, or overuse. The repetitive nature of push-ups can aggravate existing wrist problems or even lead to new injuries.

Exploring this topic is essential for preventing setbacks in your exercise routine and ensuring long-term joint health. By making some simple adjustments, incorporating specific exercises, and understanding what not to do, you can significantly reduce wrist pain and maximize the benefits of push-ups.

Why Does It Hurt to Do Push-Ups?

Push-ups require the wrists to significantly bear a significant portion of your body weight as you lower and raise your body. This pressure, coupled with improper form, can cause pain due to various reasons:

  • Lack of Flexibility: Tight muscles and ligaments can restrict your wrists’ movement, leading to discomfort during push-ups.
  • Poor Alignment: If your hands, arms, or body are not aligned correctly, excessive force can be applied to the wrists, leading to strain or injury.
  • Weakness or Imbalance: Weak wrist or forearm muscles can make the wrists less capable of stabilizing the body, leading to increased strain on the joint.
  • Overuse: Performing push-ups too frequently or with improper form can lead to overuse injuries in the wrist’s muscles, tendons, or joint structures.
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How Do I Stop My Wrist from Hurting When I Do Push-Ups?

You can prevent wrist pain during push-ups by employing proper technique, using appropriate equipment, and gradually strengthening the muscles involved. Here’s how you can incorporate these strategies into your workout routine:

Start with a Warm-Up

Before attempting push-ups, warm up your wrists with a few simple exercises. This can involve wrist circles, flexion, and extension stretches to prepare your joints for the upcoming task.

Mind Your Hand Position

Your hand placement is critical to reducing pressure on the wrists. Ensure your hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your fingers are spread to distribute the weight evenly. The middle finger should point forward to promote alignment and stability.

Watch Your Elbows

Proper elbow positioning can significantly affect the stress on your wrists. Keep your elbows close to your body at a 45-degree angle. Avoid letting your elbows flare out, as this can create an uneven load on your wrists.

Keep Your Body Aligned

Ensure your body forms a seamless line from head to heels as you execute the movement Engaging your core and glutes will help to stabilize your body and minimize stress on your wrists.

Gradually Increase Intensity

If you’re new to push-ups or have experienced wrist pain, start with modified versions such as incline push-ups. Gradually progress to standard push-ups as your wrists and muscles strengthen.

Strengthen Your Wrists and Forearms

To build strength in these areas, incorporate exercises like wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and farmer’s walks into your routine.

Get Some Rest

Like any other muscle, your wrists need time to rest and recover. Avoid overtraining, and give them adequate time to recover between exercises. If you experience pain, take a break and allow your wrists to heal before attempting push-ups.

Use Push-Up Bars

Implementing push-up bars or handles can help maintain a neutral wrist position, reducing strain during push-ups.

Stretch and Cool Down

After your workout, perform wrist stretches to maintain flexibility and reduce the risk of muscle tightness or injury.

Seek Professional Advice

If you’re experiencing persistent or severe wrist pain, seek guidance from a fitness or medical professional who can provide personalized advice and exercises.

Read More: Do Clap Push Ups Build Muscle? Reality Exposed

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are common mistakes that can lead to wrist pain during push-ups:

  • Placing Hands Too Far Forward: This puts more strain on the wrists and can lead to wrist extension. Keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width and more under your shoulders.
  • Excessive Wrist Extension: When your wrists bend back too much, it can cause discomfort. Focus on keeping your wrists in a neutral position as much as possible.
  • Sagging at the Hips: This can lead to an increased load on your wrists and improper body alignment, increasing the risk of injury.
  • Rushing Through the Movement: Doing push-ups too quickly can cause you to lose control and potentially compromise form, leading to wrist issues.
  • Ignoring Pain: If you’re experiencing pain in your wrists, it’s a sign that something is wrong. Please don’t ignore it; address the issue to prevent further injury.

Should I Workout If My Wrist Hurts?

Exercising through wrist pain is not advisable. It’s essential to listen to your body and give your wrists the rest they need to recover. You can still work out by focusing on exercises that don’t strain your wrists, such as planks, dumbbell exercises, or using machines. Seek guidance from a healthcare professional if the pain persists or deteriorates.

Tips for Using Push-Up Bars

Push-up bars, also known as parallettes, are an excellent tool for enhancing your push-up workout. Here are some tips to make the most out of them:

  • Choose the Right Pair: Ensure the push-up bars are of appropriate height to maintain proper form without straining your wrists.
  • Master the Technique: Even with push-up bars, it’s essential to maintain the correct form. Concentrate on maintaining proper alignment and activating the appropriate muscles.
  • Progress Gradually: If you’re new to push-up bars, start with a low volume and gradually increase the intensity to avoid overuse injuries.
  • Incorporate Variations: Push-up bars allow a more comprehensive range of motion, so don’t be afraid to try different hand placements and variations to challenge your muscles.


While wrist pain during push-ups can be discouraging, it doesn’t have to be permanent. By implementing the strategies in this guide, you can strengthen your wrists, improve your push-up form, and enjoy beneficial and pain-free workouts. Remember, patience and consistency are key. Your wrists will thank you for your attention and care, allowing you to push through your workouts with confidence and comfort.


Which wrist stretches should I perform before push-ups?

To prepare your wrists for push-ups, perform wrist stretches like wrist flexor and extensor stretches. Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds and perform it on both wrists.

Can push-ups cause long-term wrist damage?

Push-ups performed with poor form or excessive volume can potentially cause long-term wrist damage. To minimize this risk, it’s crucial to ensure proper alignment and gradually increase the intensity of your push-up routine.

Are there any specific cues to remember while doing push-ups?

Think about maintaining a straight line from your head to your heels, spreading your fingers wide, keeping your wrists neutral, and engaging your core. These cues can help protect your wrists during push-ups.

Can push-up bars help with wrist pain?

Yes, push-up bars can help alleviate wrist pain by allowing for a more neutral wrist alignment. This can be especially helpful for individuals with existing wrist issues.

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